
Nocturne·Jungle Expert Video Guide

Umbra BladesP
Shroud of DarknessW
Unspeakable HorrorE
Win rate50.5%
Pick rate4.2%
Ban rate5.9%
Matches70 936-
Nocturne Jungle has a 50.5% win rate with 4.2% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked A tier. Below, you will find an expert video guide on how to play Nocturne: their strengths, weaknesses, powerspikes and game plans for every stage of the match. Step up your Nocturne gameplay with Mobalytics guides!.
Nocturne Top
Nocturne Jungle
Nocturne Mid
Nocturne Bot
Nocturne Support

Check the video guide developed by our experts for you:

Strengths & Weaknesses∙
Matchups & Synergy∙
Early Game∙
Tips & Tricks∙
Nocturne expert guide

Nocturne Matchups Overview

Nocturne General information

Nocturne tips and tricks

Try to get level 6 as quickly as possible so you’re able to impact the map with your Ultimate ParanoiaR.

As you’re an Assassin, try to assassinate immobile champions that are in the side lane alone. You can also use your Ultimate ParanoiaR to take down champions who are running through the river alone too.

When ganking, get as close as you can to the enemy before casting your Ultimate ParanoiaR just in case they walk out of range. Make sure you’re not spotted by deep wards though.

Nocturne combos

Every combo you need to master the champion!

Nocturne useful resources


Check out the latest and best Nocturne Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.

New Champion: Smolder

New Champion: Smolder

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In-depth Build Stats

In-depth Build Stats

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