
K'Sante·Runes for Top

Dauntless InstinctP
Ntofo StrikesQ
Path MakerW
All OutR
Win rate47.3%-
Pick rate4.2%-
Ban rate1.8%-
Matches81 275-
K'Sante Top has a 47.3% win rate with 4.2% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 81 275 matches in Patch patch the best runes for K'Sante Top are keyStone, rune_1, rune_2, and rune_3 for primary tree, as well as secondary_rune_1 and secondary_rune_2 for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are offenseRuneShard, flexRuneShard, and defenceRuneShard.
K'Sante Top
K'Sante Jungle
K'Sante Mid
K'Sante Bot
K'Sante Support

K'Sante Runes

Top Top

Keystone options


K'Sante Matchups Overview

K'Sante General information

K'Sante tips and tricks

Don’t constantly push during the laning phase. You will not be able to use your Ultimate when you’re constantly pushing, as you’ll throw yourself into the enemy's tower.

Post 6, beware of using your Ultimate. Check your surroundings and look for the enemy Jungler before going in with your Ult.

In the early laning phase, you can threaten an all-in with your 3rd Q stack to gain a significant health advantage over the enemy.

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