
Zac·Runes for Support

Cell DivisionP
Stretching StrikesQ
Unstable MatterW
Elastic SlingshotE
Let's Bounce!R
Win rate50.9%-
Pick rate1.0%-
Ban rate5.4%-
Matches27 376-
Zac Support has a 50.9% win rate with 1.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 27 376 matches in Patch 14.8 the best runes for Zac Support are keyStone, rune_1, rune_2, and rune_3 for primary tree, as well as secondary_rune_1 and secondary_rune_2 for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are offenseRuneShard, flexRuneShard, and defenceRuneShard.
Zac Top
Zac Jungle
Zac Mid
Zac Bot
Zac Support

Zac Runes

Support Support  Patch 14.8

Zac Matchups Overview

Zac General information

Zac tips and tricks

If the enemy Mid laner is weak, you could look to assist your Mid laner to get them ahead. Zac is really good at roaming and getting kills.

Ping your team if you’re in your Passive and they might be able to save you with a Teleport.

Group and play around your Ultimate Let's Bounce!R. Zac’s kit is very good in team fights and he can easily chain CC with it. Before going in though, always make sure your team is ready to follow up and go in with you.

Zac combos

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