
Plunder's Ignition Phoenix



Plunder's Ignition Phoenix
Plunder's Ignition Phoenix

Solar Warlock build for PvE by Plunderthabooty











Class Item


Stats Priority


Tommy's MatchbookExotic Auto Rifle

With the Changes to Tommy’s we can now survive while holding down the trigger as long as we have restoration x1. This can be from your Healing Rift, Healing Grenade, and Well of Radiance. We will have these available all the time to keep us healthy!


Phoenix ProtocolExotic Chest Armor

Kills and assists we make while in our well of radiance return super energy, we easily end our well with about 75% super back with no orb pickups. This is straight kills and damage while in our well.

How it Works

This Solar Warlock Build is all about being able to help your fireteam through difficult content like a Grandmaster Nightfall. The goal is to have nearly 100% uptime on our Well of Radiance. We have 3 ways to heal with this Build and these 3 ways can all heal our teammates too!

We start off with Tommy’s Matchbook as our Exotic. Since the Burn was changed to where it doesn’t do as much damage to us anymore, restoration x1 is enough to counter the burn. This means we can lay on the trigger and do great Primary Weapon damage which in turn gives us the most Super energy back on Damage dealt. Since we will be in a Well of Radiance dealing even more damage and combining it with Phoenix Protocol as our Exotic Armor, we can easily have over 75% of our Super back after we use it.

In between Well uses we keep throwing our Healing Grenade and using our Healing Rifts. This will Proc Ember of Benevolence to keep up abilities and we proc Ember of Singeing for infinite Class ability with Tommy’s Matchbook since it Scorches on hit as part of its update a while back. So as soon as you have your Well you use it! You will be dropping 15 Wells easily in Grandmasters for your team!

Gameplay Loop
  1. Use your Healing Rift to have Restoration
  2. Shoot Tommy’s at targets; the scorch from Tommy’s will give us our Rift back from Ember of Singeing
  3. Use your Healing Grenade for Restoration x2 when needed
  4. Use your melee ability right after your grenade for an instant ignition and to increase our restoration x2 easily with ember of empyreon
  5. Use Well of Radiance when it's available. You will get 50% back just from kills and assists
  6. You will easily get another 25% while in your well from the Primary Weapon damage of Tommy’s Matchbook since Exotic Primaries give the most Super energy back based on damage dealt.
  7. Keep dropping your well the moment you get it!
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