
Thaemine Gate 4-2 Boss Guide



Welcome to the Thaemine Gate 4-2 guide! Thank you to ATK for providing the video footage, make sure to check out his video guide below!

Full Video Guide

Recommended battle items

Universal Mechanics

Kadan Sidereals

Attack Kadan:

  • Ctrl + Z
  • Deals x23 to x27 damage.
  • Causes stun.

Defence Kadan:

  • Ctrl + X
  • Shields.

Domain Expansion

This happens at around 6:15 on the berserk timer. But it is also a time-based mechanic that will happen more times.

What happens
  1. Screen slows down and turns gray.
  2. Thaemine slashes 4 times, your speed decreases with each slash.
  3. He will target players and fire a sword wave.
  • This can be dodged using .
  • You can tell if you're going to get hit by the direction of the head attack indicator on the boss.
What to do
  1. Spread out.
  2. After the 4 slashes look out for his head indicator facing you, be ready to use if he fires a sword wave at you.

Black Hole Identity

This attack happens when the identity meter is full, usually after the first domain expansion. Make sure you have your Sidereals ready.

What happens
  1. Thaemine teleports to 1 o'clock and spawns a black hole that pulls players in.
  2. Exploding orbs will spawn around players.
  • Getting hit by this explosion will give you a debuff stack that decreases your life recovery by 45%.
  1. When the identity clock reaches 20 seconds Thaemine will pull players in.
  2. Everyone's HP will be turned to 1 and your battle items disabled for 30 seconds.
  3. Player's attacks will lifesteal, which is nullified if they have x2 debuff stacks.
What to do
  1. Group up and split the parties the left and right.
  2. Make sure you don't get pulled in by the black hole throughout the mechanic.
  3. Run along the edge when the orbs spawn.
  4. Space/dash away from Thaemine when the identity timer hits 20 seconds.
  5. Get up as soon as you can; use Kadan and supports should use awakakening.
  • Play safe until you get the awakening shield.
  1. DPS Kadan to lifesteal until your battle items are re-enabled.

Major Mechanics

x210 Stagger

This mechanic should happen before the second Domain Expansion, otherwise you are at a slow pace.

What happens
  1. After the cutscene, Thaemine will make the stage smaller. You may fall off.
  2. Red explosions and blue cone telegraphs will appear at the center of the stage. The outside of the stage will have a yellow ring telegraph.
  3. The Sidereals will appear, afterwards there will be two more waves of blue cone telegraphs.
  4. Thaemine spawns multiple hands shown by red telegraphs all around the boss and will start a stagger check.
    • These hands can push you out, be careful.
    • Every time you get hit you receive a stack of debuff. At 5 stacks you die.
    • You still get stacks if you use
  5. If the stagger fails, players will receive some damage and get pushed back.
    • If this happens then stand right next to him to avoid falling.
    • Failing this means you will continue the fight with a smaller stage and some nerfs for the rest of the fight.
What to do
  1. Dodge all the explosions and telegraphs.
  2. Dodge all the following patterns whilst staggering the boss.
  3. If you fail the stagger check then stand right next to Thaemine.

Phase 2 (4-3)

Do not let Thaemine do the Black Hole mechanic at the start of 4-3. Doing so will slow down progression and could make it so you can't use Kadan twice.

Reminder: Black Hole is triggered when the identity meter is full.

There are three different approaches depending on the pace of your party.

You can use Kadan before the cutscene if:

  • Boss is under x135 bars.
  • You have over 4 bars of identity.

You can use Kadan to push to x105 if:

  • Boss is under x140 bars.
  • Black Hole mechanic happened first.
  • You can watch the cutscene for about 30 seconds to get rid of battle item debuff.

Otherwise (over x140), try to not activate Black Hole and save Kadan for Domain Expansion.

When 4-3 starts, the boss HP becomes ??? and the berserk timer turns into a moon.

Great Clash

About 1 minute into 4-3 Great Clash will happen:

  1. Thaemine will raise his sword and disappear.
  2. He will then re-appear in the center.
  3. Use Defensive Kadan as soon as he appears in the middle.
    • There are other teleporting patters, so it's safe to use it as soon as you see him go to the middle.
  4. Thaemine very briefly has DR, ensure he is taking full damage before using important skills.

Phase 2 Patterns

Global Root

Thaemine will stomp and make the whole map red, on the second stomp he will root. Use any immunity skills to avoid it.

If rooted players aren't saved, hands will appear and they will die.

Stomp Pizza

Similarly to Global Root, Thaemine will stomp and turn the map red, but this time a pizza will appear showing the safe spot.

Teleport Grab

Similarly to the Great Clash mechanic, he will teleport away. He will then reappear and quickly cast a yellow cone telegraphed grab, if players are grabbed the boss will start a stagger check.

Charge Counter

Thaemine will charge four times and be counterable. Don't counter, it's not worth it.

Lazarm Slash

Thaemine dash attacks forward, then attacks back to his original location.

Counterable Mechanics

Jump Counter

Thaemine jumps away and lands in a red circle telegraph. He will initiate a counterable attack when he lands.

His head position will depend on where he jumps to.

8 Combo Slash

Thaemine will combo 8 slashes, this pattern is couterable but it's not recommended to do so.

Normal Mechanics


Thaemine slashes his sword upwards, gets covered in thorns then fires them. More waves of these thorns will appear from two different angles, then a red telegraph will appear for a ring explosion.

Getting hit gives the player a Thorn debuff stack:

  • Take 50% additional damage per stack for 30 seconds.
  • This debuff is not cleansable and refreshes its timer if you gain another stack.
  • Having 3 or more stacks will result in Normal Attacks oneshotting you.

The party should gather up before the ring attack so supports can provide shields and DR, players can then safely space/dash through the ring attack.


Thaemine raises his foot and cast an wave. He will then dash and cast another wave.

Getting hit will stun you and will cause the boss to target you with an additional attack. Make sure to communicate with your support for them to give you DR and shields.


Thaemine levitates then slashes twice, each slash creating large lines of explosion. He then teleports to a random player and shows the pizza safe spot.

Group up after the second slash to make it easy for everyone to get into the safe spot in time.


Thaemine disappears and a player gets a golden cross beneath them. This player will get petrified

  1. Thaemine disappears and a player gets a golden cross beneath them.
  2. Player with the golden cross gets petrified and Thaemine splits into multiple versions.
  3. The versions with their sword held up are the safe spots.
  4. He teleports to the petrified player and charges an attack.
  5. To dodge the attack get behind him, rooted players can be saved with DR.

Meteor Strike

Thaemine crouches and a yellow telegraph appears, grabbing players hit.

Thaemine then slam his sword down and charges forward, he will then turn around and cast a wave behind him.

Grab Charge

Thaemine wil crouch, target a player, then charge towards them. Anyone hit is grabbed and receives a Weakness debuff:

  • Decreses 30% crit resistance per stack for 30 seconds.
  • Cannot be cleansed.

The grab is followed by an inside safe attack.

Fast Grab

Thaemine will execute an uppercut indicated by a yellow telegraph. This uppercut moves with the yellow indicator so you should move out as fast as possible.

Ground Stabs

Thaemine will do a backflip and stab the ground. Then he will either:

  • Flip somewhere and cause ring explosions.


  1. Fly and spin like Rammus from LoL. He will always face the targeted player.
  2. He then glows and smashes down in a straight line beneath him.
  3. Another explosion is cast afterwards where the safe spot was the location of the previous line.
  • In other words it's outside safe then inside safe.

Afterwards he will either flip somewhere and cause a ring explosion, or he will fly and spin like Rammus from LoL and follow a player.


Thaemine performs two cone-shaped slashes:

  • If he slashes in front of him then the next slash will be behind him.
  • If he slashes to the side, his next slash will be to the other side.


Thaemine holds his sword above him behind his head, if it glows then it's a reflect, otherwise it's a black hole then it's a stagger check.

You receive reflect damage if you attack for the stagger check from the lines.


Thaemine will jump looking like he's doing parkour, the will then turn to a player and try to grab them. If someone is grabbed then you can co-op counter him.

Symbol Projectiles

Thaemine jumps and casts attacks in a + and # shape. Getting hit builds a lot of meter.

360 Slash

Thaemine jumps backwards and slashes twice. The second slash pushes you very far and can cause players to fall.

Charge 6 Combo

Thaemine charges at a player and performs 5 slashes followed by a final slam.

Uppercut Stab

He slashes 3 times, if his last uppercut hits a player then he will do a stab that gives a Weakness stack.

Backstep Slash

He slashes 2 times followed by a slam, he then backsteps into another slash. The last slash pushes you very far and can cause players to fall.


Thaemine charges his sword and red pools appear. He targets a player then slams his sword to the ground and causes parallel waves to appear.

Targeted players shouldn't move around too much.


Thaemine spawns red orbs that explode after a few seconds.