
Sett·Top Expert Video Guide

Pit GritP
Knuckle DownQ
The Show StopperR
Win rate51.3%
Pick rate5.4%
Ban rate0.9%
Matches16 186-
Sett Top has a 51.3% win rate with 5.4% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked A tier. Below, you will find an expert video guide on how to play Sett: their strengths, weaknesses, powerspikes and game plans for every stage of the match. Step up your Sett gameplay with Mobalytics guides!.
Sett Top
Sett Jungle
Sett Mid
Sett Bot
Sett Support

Check the video guide developed by our experts for you:

Strengths and Weaknesses∙
Laning Phase∙
Team Fights∙
Tips and Tricks∙
Sett expert guide

Sett Matchups Overview

Sett General information

Sett tips and tricks

Make sure you auto-attack before activating Knuckle DownQ. Your Knuckle DownQ is an auto-attack reset, so auto-attacking first will help you dish out more damage.

Your FacebreakerE will stun enemy champions and minions if you hit them together. This is handy when trying to set up your Jungler as you can FacebreakerE between the two of them to CC the enemy.

Activate your HaymakerW while trading: not right at the end or at the beginning as the shield it gives will protect you against follow up damage, and the damage it deals will also come in handy. Using it at the end of the trade is wasteful.

Sett combos

Every combo you need to master the champion!

Sett useful resources


Check out the latest and best Sett Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.

New Champion: Smolder

New Champion: Smolder

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In-depth Build Stats

In-depth Build Stats

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