
Lee Sin· Counters

Sonic Wave / Resonating StrikeQ
Safeguard / Iron WillW
Tempest / CrippleE
Dragon's RageR
Win rate49.2%
Pick rate18.2%
Ban rate17.7%
Matches100 017-
Lee Sin roleName has a 49.2% win rate and 18.2% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 100 017 matches, the best counters for Lee Sin roleName are Skarner, Ivern, Evelynn, Rek'Sai and Briar. On the other hand, Lee Sin roleName counters Sejuani, Zed, Hecarim, Ekko and Jax.
Lee Sin Top
Lee Sin Jungle
Lee Sin Mid
Lee Sin Bot
Lee Sin Support

Lee Sin matchups

Lee Sin counter tips

General advice on how to play against Lee Sin
