
Diablo 4 Barbarian BuildCharging Hammer - Charge/Hota

Season 3
End Game
Mid Game
Boss Killer
Dungeon Push
Build Summary

Wanna have a fun trip with the new Charge and wondering if it could make Hota better? This brand new Charging Hammer variant will help you Bonk! the season while still relying on the stapple Overpower + resource spending mechanics.

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Tuskhelm of Joritz the MightyHelm
Juggernaut's AspectChest Armor
Relentless Berserker's AspectGloves
Tibault's WillPants
Ghostwalker AspectBoots
Banished Lord's TalismanAmulet
Ring of Red FurorRing 1
Aspect of Voracious RageRing 2
Aspect of Ancestral ForceBludgeoning Weapon
Edgemaster's AspectDual-Wield Weapon 1
Accelerating AspectSlashing Weapon
Aspect of Ancestral ChargeDual-Wield Weapon 2
Seneschal Construct
Flash of Adrenalineutility
Tactical Support
Duration Support
Safeguard Support
Breaking Support
Efficiency Support
Resource Support

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Rotation 1. Pop your Rallying Cry to start running fast 2. Charge in the general direction of the enemy (best if you can finish your course into a wall) to proc berserk 3. Pop Wrath of the Berserker if you haven't snapshotted your Berserking buff yet 4. Bonk everything ! 5. Repeat 6. Use War cry if you feel like you could use the extra heal/dmg

Pro tips 1. Pocket Commanding Shout and Wrath of the Berserker if you feel like they could be better used later (Hard bosses or packs)

How It Works

This build is all about using a Machine Gun Generatorless Hammer of the Ancient with Charge as a support and mobility tool !

Damage wise, Hammer of the ancients will be our main offensive tool and we'll juice it up by using multiple Damage boosts based off Berserking, Resource spending, Max resource, and ;everyone's season 2 favorite; Overpower. Attack speed will be the nitro of that beefy engine, and increase the rate at which we benefit from above mechanics.

For defense, we'll rely on Multiple Damage Reduction sources, loads of Fortify and Max Health, Capped armor and resistances and well, making sure mobs are reduced to bits before they can even hit you !

Supporting this simple gameplay will be performed by our dear Triple Shouts + Wrath of the Berserker combo, making sure we always have a skill ready for unexpected scenarios.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a 700m oneshot build (you'll be in the 50 to 90m range before ubers) but I can vouch for the fast and very enjoyable gameplay

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