
Rest's Vampiric Touch



Rest's Vampiric Touch
Rest's Vampiric Touch

Solar Warlock build for PvE by RestAssured











Class Item


Stats Priority


Scatter SignalLegendary Fusion Rifle

With overflow and controlled burst, this makes a great secondary DPS option. Since it’s strand, it also plays into strand scavenger.


Karnstein ArmletsExotic Gauntlets

Getting a melee kill will grant x3 cure and x1 restoration. If you get a finisher it will instead apply x2 restoration while also still providing a x3 cure.

How it Works

The goal of this build is to never die and have restoration at all times.

This can be achieved because of your exotic Karnstein Armlets and its recent buff. Getting a melee kill or finisher will cure you and apply restoration. You can keep the restoration up with ember of empyrean, so with each solar weapon or ability kill, it will extend the timer. While this is up or when you proc your cure, you are pretty much unkillable. Remember, Karnstein can also reproc the restoration and always apply the cure on every melee kill or finisher.

With this build, you can also spam your abilities to help keep you alive and do massive damage. With ember of singeing every time you scorch an enemy, you will be granted increased class ability regeneration. Taking phoenix dive is the play because you can have an instant cure to help keep you alive, and it comes back almost immediately. With ember of searing, every scorch target you defeat will grant you melee energy and create a firesprite. Picking up the firesprites will grant you grenade energy, and you can further increase this by taking the mod innervation, so picking up orbs will also grant grenade energy.

Having your abilities is great because you can apply debuffs to bosses with the artifact perk revitalizing blast. Other perks to help out are flint striker so you can always be radiant alongside restoration and kindling trigger so your solar weapons can apply scorch to targets. These will stack with everything else we went over.

For aspects, touch of flame is a must so your fusion grenade can explode twice to deal massive damage. Icarus dash is also very nice for mobility to get out of any sticky situation you might be in. The final fragment is ember of ashes to apply more scorch stacks from everything in this build. Finally, running a heavy ammo finder is almost a must for solo content, and your Sunshot will be able to make a ton for you since it’s exotic.

Gameplay Loop
  1. Get a melee kill or finisher on an enemy to cure and restoration
  2. Keep restoration up by getting kills with Sunshot or your abilities.
  3. Be aware that you can reapply restoration on a non-powered melee kill and finisher and also grant cure
  4. Look for ammo to proc overflow on both your weapons.
  5. Look out for orbs and firesprites to refill your grenade energy
  6. Use your abilities on bosses to apply a debuff
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