
Rest's Support Beam



Rest's Support Beam
Rest's Support Beam

Solar Warlock build for PvE by RestAssured











Class Item


Stats Priority


AppetenceLegendary Trace Rifle

This is used to proc Cenotaph Mask. Any trace rifle will work for this.


Cenotaph MaskExotic Helmet

Reloads your equipped trace rifle over time. Damaging a boss or champion marks that target for you and your team. When your team kills the marked target heavy ammo is generated for them and special is generated for you.

How it Works

The goal of this build is to support your team with unlimited heavy, infinite healing, and amazing ad clear.

With Cenotaph Mask, you can mark targets with your trace rifle and when your team kills it heavy is made for them and special is made for you. Always make sure you are looking for enemies to mark and do it as soon as you can. Since the target also grants you special ammo, you can have the ready to use at all times while providing your team with unlimited heavy ammo.

Healing is going to come from our healing grenade, phoenix dive, well of radiance, and ember of mercy. Taking touch of flame will allow your healing grenade to apply x2 restoration and x2 cure on you and your team. Using your phoenix dive near your team will also grant x2 cure for you and them. If your team manages to die you can revive them to proc x1 restoration on them and yourself with ember of mercy. When you heal from any of these ways, you are procing ember of benevolence for 400% increased ability regen.

Ad clear is going to come from Sunshot and your arfitact perks. Alone Sunshot is already very strong but when paired with the artifact perks it gets even crazier. Flint striker is going to allow you to become radiant on solar precision hits and rapid kills. While radiant your solar weapons can apply scorch with kindling trigger and this will play into the rest of your fragments. On top of the Sunshot explosions you also have rays of precision to cause ignitions on solar precision final blows. Finally, since you have a lot of ability regen, revitalizing blast is nice to apply weaken with your melee. You can now mark them with Cenotaph and debuff them with this.

The final things to round out the build are ember of searing so when you defeat a scorched target you make a firesprite and grant more melee energy. Picking up the firesprite will grant grenade energy and proc x1 restoration with ember of mercy. Finally, to keep your radiant and restoration up you have ember of empyrean to add time to them on every solar kill.

Gameplay Loop
  1. Use Sunshot for ad clear and to proc artifact perks
  2. Mark priority targets with Cenotaph
  3. Let your team get the final blow on the marked target to make heavy for them and special for you
  4. Use healing grenade and phoenix dive on teammates to proc ember of benevolence
  5. Pick up firesprties to grant grenade energy and proc restoration
  6. Get solar kills to keep radiant and restoration up
  7. Always look for targets to mark with Cenotaph